Open Space and Recreation Plan Survey


Do you care what happens to Open Space and Recreation Areas over the next seven years?

Have you wondered what wildlife exist in Bolton?

Do you want different recreational facilities or available programs? 

The Open Space and Recreation Plan last updated in 2017 is set to expire 2024. The plan is therefore going through an update that is lead by a volunteer OSRP subcommittee, Conservation Department, Recreation Department, with assistance from Planning Department, and other community members. The plan will be formatted according to specifications of the Massachusetts Division of Conservation Services. While current, and when the update is complete, the Town will remain eligible for state grants related to open space and recreation needs. The report directly correlates to results from surveys during the update. 

How can you make a difference:

Update Open Space and Recreation Plan! The insights from this survey will directly impact actions on Open Space and Recreation Lands in Bolton over the next 7 years! 

Make your voice heard by filling out the survey HERE!


Share your wildlife photos from Town or just simply a list of wildlife observations!

Participate in the Bolton Wildlife Inventory Observations (and photo contest) click HERE to submit your written observations. Please submit photos as well and if you would like to be featured please provide your wildlife photos!
