Town of Bolton Owned and Conservation Commission managed individual properties

Rules, Regulations and other Information

Properties owned by the Town of Bolton managed through its Conservation Commission are first and foremost for conservation purposes.

Most allow for passive recreation which is defined: "Passive outdoor recreation activities may include walking, jogging, cross-country skiing, bird watching, hiking, wildlife observation, photography, fishing, sketching, painting, and other similar activities that do not conflict with the conservation values and that are permitted by law"

For Rules, Regulations and other information related to specific Conservation parcels; Please select a property from the list below.

Annie Moore


Bower Springs

Vaughn Hills

Welch Pond

Fyfeshire (Haynes Wheeler and Wendler)

Randall Vinger

Gould-White Hapgood/Schecter

Rocky Dundee

Powder House



Keyes Farm

Wilder Pond

Houghton Farm


Taggart Forestland