Planning Board

The Planning Board reviews and approves applications for permits required by the Town's Zoning Bylaws, reviews and approves new subdivisions and developments, driveways and Special Permits required for commercial use.  From time to time, the Planning Board proposes or amends zoning bylaws for Town Meeting approval. Applications and Rules and Regulations may be found on our website or are available at the Town Hall.

The Planning Board is comprised of 5 elected members and 1 appointed Associate member as required. The term is 5 years with one seat becoming open each year. The Board typically meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Town Hall. Click here to view the schedule.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Pamela Harding Town Planner 978-779-3308
Lauren Ducat Land Use Administrative Assistant 978-779-3307