LIV Slides Show 6-23-22

The slideshow presented by the applicant, Par 5 Group, LLC, 777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 500E, West Palm Beach Florida 33401 at the public hearing held on June 23rd, 2022 at 7:15pm, on the application for approval of a special event in accordance with  §250-16 L. Special Events of the Code of the Town of Bolton.  The special event is proposed to be held from September 1-4, 2022 and will include a professional golf tournament with 48 golfers on 12 teams on land owned by Escalante-The International LLC including the International Golf Course, 159 Ballville Rd, Bolton and Twin Springs Golf Course, 295 Wilder Road, identified on Assessor’s Map 5.A as Parcel 2 and on Assessor’s Map 4.A as Parcels 1 and 5 and farmland at 0 Ballville Rd, identified on Assessor’s Map 3.A as Parcel 56 .