Town Moderator Releases Rules for Annual Town Meeting 2020

Town Meeting will be held Monday, June 22, 2020 in the auditorium with additional, seating in the gym for overflow and anyone who would like additional spacing.  We have established the following rules which will be explicitly adhered to for the safety of all.

  1. No one allowed in the meeting who is currently sick, has been sick or has been exposed to active Covid-19, in the last 14 days.
  2. Social distancing to be maintained while in line to check in.
  3. Everyone must wear a face covering over their mouth and nose.*
  4. Socially distant seating - these will be marked in auditorium - every other row and 6 feet apart.
  5. Only family members who live together, can sit together.
  6. Gym will be open as second seating location with video, mics, and assistant Moderator - especially for anyone wanting additional distancing, Gym will have portable chairs to be spaced as desired but not less than 6 feet apart from other residents.
  7. Presentations limited to 1-3 minutes, must be approved in advance by Moderator.
  8. We will have a Consent Agenda which allows us to vote multiple articles at once - any one voter can request any article not be in the consent agenda by asking for a HOLD
  9. We will limit speakers to one minute and one time per article, we will allow speaking from seating location if person can be heard but also will have mics in locations in rows.  Those in gym will use a microphone. A 6 foot radius will be marked off to keep residents distant from the apparatus.
  10. Speaking from your seat is encouraged in the auditorium. If you cannot be heard we will have a runner bring a microphone closer to your seat. Touching the microphone is prohibited.

*This Order does not apply to those under 2 or those with health conditions that prevent them from safely wearing a cloth face covering.


Click here to review more information for Annual Town Meeting 2020.

*Please remember to look for your ATM Warrant delivered in today's Bolton/Stow Independent!