Town Hall Portico Project Update

Project Completion pushed out until Mid-September
Portico Project

Town Hall is registered as a Historical Building. As such, the project not only addresses deterioration in the portico structure, it does so by using the most responsible architecturally and historically correct materials and methods available to preserve and restore the structure to a condition as when it was new. Great time, effort, and cost is an impact often associated with projects of this sort.

Throughout the demolition and restoration process, existing conditions were exposed that differed significantly from what is considered normal or expected. When this happened, a careful balance was struck between architectural and historic integrity, cost, and schedule. In every instance, as much of the "original" materials were retained, and when that was not possible, new materials, nearly exactly looking like originals, were used. Several of these situations arose during this project. Each new discovery resulted in delays in completion and cost increases. Though the schedule has been delayed considerably, the project cost remains within budget and the restoration remains authentic!

  • A great example of this situation is the wooden trim located at the roof line; gutters, moldings, fascia, and soffit. Much of the trim was rotted; and some was in decent shape. Careful evaluations were made to preserve what could be preserved and new materials were ordered to match original. In your own home the decision would be easy; Rip it all out and replace it. Under historic preservation rules and principals, original and matching new materials are used together to maintain historic integrity. Click here for photos depicting this process.

Link to Public Works Projects Page.

Link to Project Slideshow.