Repair Cafe to be held on 6/1

What do you do with a broken toaster or lamp? Or with a shirt or blouse with a seam that is ripped out? Toss it? No way! Bring them to the Bolton Repair Café. The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, with help from Bolton Local, will host the next Bolton Repair Café on Saturday, Jun 1, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Residents of Bolton and surrounding towns are invited to come and find out what a Repair Café is all about. The event will be held in the cafeteria of the Florence Sawyer School, 100 Mechanic Street in Bolton. The school is located behind the Emerson School, which is on the same driveway/street.

Bring your items that need repair, and knowledgeable volunteers will help you try to fix them for free. The volunteers can work on items such as clean mendable clothing, lamps, small appliances, computers and other electronics, bikes, outdoor power equipment, toys, and jewelry. They can also sharpen knives, scissors, and garden tools. You only pay for needed parts. If you know what parts are needed, please get them ahead of time and bring them to the Repair Café to save time.

For a calendar of upcoming repair events in Massachusetts, go to this link:


For more information, contact Ray Pfau at 978-779-5545 or, or visit