Learn about computer security on 2/26

News from the Bolton Public Library:

From online banking and shopping, to social media communities such as Facebook & Nextdoor, we rely on computers to handle our personal information.  Unfortunately, sometimes technology is not as secure as we think it is. 
Most of us have read stories about computer hacking, or have seen hackers in and movies & television, but sorting reality from fiction can be difficult. News coverage of  “cybercrime” is often non specific, or too full of technical information to be helpful.  Advice for how to keep yourself secure can be overwhelming and contradictory.  
This talk, by Bolton resident and computer specialist Colin Campbell, will cut through the mass of information about computer security and give you practical advice on what you can do to keep your computer, smart devices, and data protected. 
· Who are the most common “bad guys” on the internet?
· What are criminals trying to get from their targets & what can they do with it?
· How simple changes to your computer use can help keep you secure.

Join us at the Bolton Public Library on Tuesday, February 26 at 7 p.m.  Free of charge and open to everyone!