Bolton Tree Warden - Notice of Public Hearing

Event Date: 
Monday, September 17, 2018 - 6:30pm





In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws (MGL), Chapter 87, Public Shade Tree Law and Section 3 (Cutting of Public Shade Trees; Hearing; Damages), the Town of Bolton Tree Warden will hold a Public Hearing regarding the application of Keyes Farm, LLC of 71 Commercial Street, Unit 263, Boston, MA 02109 regarding the proposed removal of a 4” dia. Oak tree, 5” dia. Cherry tree and 8” dia. Cherry tree required to construct a subdivision road for property located at 258 Hudson Road, identified by Assessors Map 3.D as Parcels 9 and 9A. The Public Hearing will be held at 258 Hudson Road, Bolton, MA on Monday, September 17, 2018 at 6:30 pm.  Any person interested or wishing to be heard on the above matter should appear at the time and place designated.


Acts of 1908, Chapter 296

Section 3, Public Shade Trees shall not be cut or removed, in whole or in part, except by the Tree Warden or his deputy, or by a person holding a license to do so from the Tree Warden, nor shall they be removed by the Tree Warden or his deputy or other person without a public hearing at a suitable time and place, after notice posted thereof in two or more public places in town and upon the tree, and after authority granted by the Tree Warden thereof. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall forfeit not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars to the use of the Town.


Mark Caisse, Tree Warden of Bolton, MA