Advisory Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Town of Bolton Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2017



Tuesday, December 12, 2017

7:00 PM

Town Hall – Selectmen’s Meeting Room

Members present: Brad Cote, Ted Kirchner, Joe Myerson, & Brian Boyle

Members absent: Connie Benjamin

Call to order: Chairman Cote called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM. The entire meeting

can be viewed by going to:


Agenda Item #1: Discuss and vote on new Advisory Committee member

• Chairman Cote recapped our process for selecting the sixth member of the Advisory

Committee and thanked Ann Hurd for volunteering her time.

o MOTION: Joe Myerson moved to approve Ann Hurd as the sixth member of

the Advisory Committee; seconded by Ted Kirchner. VOTING IN FAVOR:

Brad Cote, Ted Kirchner, Joe Myerson, and Brian Boyle. VOTED AND


• With Ann Hurd present, Brad briefly explained our plan for getting through the

FY19 budget. Among other things, he discussed the liaison program and how it

assists in our review of departments’ budgets.

Agenda Item #2: Follow-up discussion of Firefighter/EMT staffing proposal

• The liaisons to the Fire Department (Brad Cote and Joe Myerson) had not yet had an

opportunity to meet with Chief Mentzer regarding the staffing proposal that was

outlined at our 11/14 meeting. Brad and Joe planned to reach out to Chief Mentzer

prior to our January 2, 2018 meeting to get more information.

Agenda Item #3: Review overall FY19 budget

• The committee went through a high-level review of the entire FY19 budget. What

follows are notes regarding certain departments’ budgets:

o Moderator (114): Brad will ask about the reason for the proposed increase

from $10 to $50.

o Selectmen (122): Ted wants to be reminded about what “Purchase of

Services” is for, and he also suggested that “Supplies” be reduced from $150

to $50.

o Town Administrator (123): Brian asked whether cost-of-living-adjustments

(COLAs) are applicable to positions with a contract. This can be clarified

during our session regarding labor/personnel policies.

o Town Accountant (135): We would like to know what the “Purchase of

Services” line is for.

Town of Bolton Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2017


o Board of Assessors (141): It looks like the FY19 explanation regarding

“Purchase of Services” is duplicative of the explanation offered for FY18. We

would like to get clarification about that.

o Treasurer (145): There is a salary decrease because our prior treasurer had

several years of service.

o Human Resources (147): We have a new position because the HR function

has been extracted from the Treasurer’s functions.

o Legal Services (151): We have questions about this budget given the

relatively high two-year run rate. Brian requested that we invite the Law

Committee to the meeting when we discuss the Legal Services budget.

o Conservation Commission (171): We should submit questions about this

budget to Joe Myerson so that he can speak with them prior to the full

Advisory Committee meeting.

o Planning Board (175): Brad noted that it’s very helpful that we received

early drafts of all the potential Planning Board articles.

o DPW (421, etc.): Ted mentioned that he will be working with the new DPW

Director, Joseph Lynch, to analyze best practices, including plowing/sanding,

fleet management, etc. Brian asked Ted to confirm whether the “EMT

Summer Help” was properly budgeted in FY18, because otherwise it looks

like an increase for FY19. Brian also asked Ted to confirm whether the DPW

was consulted about the Public Ways Safety Committee’s proposed warrant


o Police (200, 210): The department’s only capital request (which is included

as a line item in the operational budget) is for a pick-up truck, in lieu of a

cruiser, in the amount of $47,400. In their liaison meeting, both Brian and

Brad came away with a positive impression of Chief Nelson’s overall budget.

o Fire (220): Brad and Joe will try to get together with Chief Mentzer prior to

our January 2, 2018 meeting.

o Board of Health (510): There is a proposed increase in wages that we can

discuss during our meeting on January 16.

o Council on Aging (541): Brad would like to know if the COA has a five-year

plan. Ted would like to know more about who the COA’s customers are.

Brian agreed to follow up with the COA to get more information.

o Human Services & Safety (590): Brian will connect with HSS to get more

information about their budget.

o Library (610): Joe and Connie will reach out to the Library to get more

insight into their budget prior to the full Advisory meeting. Ted would like to

know whether the adjustments we made last year have worked well.

• The committee also discussed revisions to our liaison assignments for FY19. We

agreed to assign liaisons as follows:

Town of Bolton Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2017


Department(s) Advisory Liaisons

Board of Assessors Brad Cote

Conservation Commission Joe Myerson

Council on Aging and Health & Human Services Brian Boyle

Department of Public Works Ted Kirchner & Ann Hurd

Fire / Ambulance Brad Cote & Joe Myerson

Library Connie Benjamin & Joe Myerson

Parks & Recreation Ann Hurd

Planning Board Brian Boyle & Ted Kirchner

Police / Public Safety Building Brad Cote & Brian Boyle

School Committee Brian Boyle

All Other Departments & Boards Brad Cote

Agenda Item #4: Discuss 2018 Advisory calendar and potential addition of (1) session

regarding labor costs and policies and (2) session regarding revenue


• Brad informed the committee that we are going to add a session to our calendar

regarding labor costs and policies, including our salary administration policy /

salary schedule.

o Ted noted that salaries are a major component of our operational budget and

it is therefore important for us to understand the practices and standards

currently being implemented.

o Brian requested that we receive any written materials a couple weeks before

that session so that we can submit specific questions in advance.

• The committee also agreed to hold a discussion regarding potential revenue

sources, such as the meals tax, solar farms, and recreational marijuana. Brad noted

that our town accountant agrees that our committee should discuss revenue


Agenda Item #5: Discuss pre-STM and pre-ATM Advisory Committee procedures

• On the day of the Special Town Meeting, Brad compiled a list of anticipated capital

items for FY19 and shared that information during the STM to provide some

perspective about how the citizen’s petition might fit into the larger financial

picture. Joe and Brian both expressed that they wished there had been more time

for the Advisory Committee to review that information and discuss what message

we as a committee would deliver during the STM regarding the warrant article.

• Ted noted that ideally the Advisory Committee should issue a “signing statement”

when it votes on major warrant articles. Brad noted that individual Advisory

Committee members have the right to speak and offer additional information during

a town meeting.

Agenda Item #6: Transfer request from Treasurer - $300.00 to Line 913-5172 for


• The Treasurer requested to transfer $300.00 into the Unemployment Insurance line.

This expense was unforeseen because the town could not anticipate the employee’s

Town of Bolton Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes: December 12, 2017


departure and the subsequent filing and awarding of an unemployment claim. The

committee had some questions about which fiscal year this transfer would apply to

(it seemed to be for FY17).

Agenda Item #7: Review and approve meeting minutes

• The committee briefly discussed the draft minutes for our 11/14 and 11/27

meetings. There were some blank spaces in the 11/27 minutes regarding motions

made on the floor of the Special Town Meeting. Joe Myerson previously emailed

regarding his approval of both sets of minutes.

o MOTION: Ted Kirchner moved to approve both sets of minutes (11/14 and

11/27) subject to Brad filling in the blank spaces for the 11/27 minutes;

seconded by Brian Boyle. VOTING IN FAVOR: Brad Cote, Ted Kirchner, Joe

Myerson, and Brian Boyle. VOTED AND PASSED. UNANIMOUS (4-0).

Adjourn: MOTION: Joe Myerson moved to adjourn at 9:22 PM; seconded by Brian Boyle.

VOTING IN FAVOR: Brad Cote, Ted Kirchner, Joe Myerson, and Brian Boyle. VOTED AND


Documents Referenced

Departments’ FY19 budget submissions

Approved by Advisory Committee 1/10/18