00:19:09 Ellen Sturgis Stow Selectboard: If people could identify what town they represent (and roles), that would be helpful 00:20:44 Inter: there are two school committee reps on this call: Joe Gleason from Lancaster and Rich Eckel from Stow 00:25:30 Ed DeLuca: I think you need to take the vote of neutral as neutral and not interpret that as disagreement. 00:25:52 Ellen Sturgis Stow Selectboard: Agree, Ed 00:29:53 Lindsey D: Stan, this is so disrespectful to so many people 00:30:30 Brian Patuto: Ed Deluca is correct. By selecting either positive or negative position for the Neutral choice the analysis inserts a significant analytical bias. 00:31:13 June Mitchell: I live in Bolton and don't share your sentiment, Stan. Maybe you could have responded to my emails. You have ignored my emails. 00:31:39 Inter: Same angry parents attacking anyone in their wake. 00:31:42 Terri: The Bolton Selectmen are ignoring the emails from everyone who is opposed to hybrid 00:33:37 Pequita: And the school committee are ignoring everyone who is opposed to full remote. 00:34:20 Tracy: SC doesn't do anything when we talk to them about a choice. No one is saying it should be remote or hybrid, it's about a choice and where is the plan 00:34:44 Lindsey D: Plan is due Dec 1 00:34:50 Inter: Ellen, the experience with the SC's responsiveness is not the same. Many parents (not the small number folks try hard to identify) feel ignored...they feel as though they're scapegoated. Exactly what Jason said. 00:35:23 Terri: Just because certain people have a different opinion doesn't mean the administration and SC will change their minds. Even after they listen to them 00:35:55 Lindsey D: Lots of people ran unopposed last year too 00:36:12 June Mitchell: The high school and district is doing an excellent job of getting our kids through the pandemic. The administration and teachers are doing a great job and communication is clear. Parents who continue to stir the pot are getting in the way of everyone trying to do their job. It is hurting our kids, teachers, administration and the entire community. 00:37:10 June Mitchell: The school committee should be here. 00:37:36 Inter: If the School Committee isn't responsive, to whom should parents turn? It's also pretty indicative that the SC isn't here. How is that okay? 00:38:10 N. Rogers: "stir the pot"? We are advocating for the best interest of our children and that is offensive. We are not the ones hurting our kids. 00:38:56 Pequita: The high school and district are not following DESE recommendations and are out of step with the vast majority of other districts regarding in person learning. It is not unreasonable for parents to question this. 00:39:49 June Mitchell: N. Rogers, the SC voted and you need to respect that decision. 00:39:50 Ellen Sturgis Stow Selectboard: The SC sent a letter to all three towns leadership on 11/12/20 (Stow's admin sent it out to us)stating their concerns with the structure of the tri town and why they felt it would not be productive to participate until some changes were made 00:41:46 Inter: Ellen Sturgis, have you watched recent SC meetings? Are you aware of the suppression of parents voices and perspective? Where are they supposed to turn? Parents need a champion to help them. The SC is not that champion. 00:44:02 Terri: The SC is not suppressing parents. They are taking a lot of time out of their jobs to listen to us. That doesn't mean they will always agree with you 00:44:52 Megan Birch-McMichael: Budget is here: https://www.nrsd.net/UserFiles/Servers/Server_1159852/File/School%20Committee/20-21%20Meeting%20Packets/November%2018,%202020/FY21%20October%2031%20Results%20of%20Operations.pdf 00:44:59 Megan Birch-McMichael: It’s been on the website since last ewek 00:45:01 Megan Birch-McMichael: week 00:47:04 Inter: It would be so helpful if people would stop and think that maybe their experience isn't the same as the person next door. If you feel that you're being heard, that is good! But so many don't. Let's support each other so no one feels minimized 00:48:13 Noella Ricci: Megan, many parents from Stow have had no where to turn for answers from the SC. We aren’t all on the same page in Stow. 00:49:51 June Mitchell: Who is "Inter" who is commenting on here? I think people should identify themselves. 00:50:43 Inter: Are you June or Elizabeth? :) 00:51:17 Ellen Sturgis Stow Selectboard: June is right--names, please--don't hide! 00:51:32 Omid Gh: Sorry for being late, why noone from SC or the schools are not here to present any type of data. 00:51:59 Inter: No hiding! 00:52:26 June Mitchell: June Elizabeth 00:53:08 Lindsey D: I’m genuinely confused as to why not getting what you want is tantamount to not being listened to? 00:53:34 June Mitchell: Great point, Lindsey. 01:02:53 Terri: The teachers should be allowed to speak their opinions 01:03:47 Lindsey D: Teachers are citizens, many live here and have kids here 01:05:13 Pequita: The letter was written and signed as teachers and staff. If they wished to express their opinions as citizens they should have signed the letter appropriately. 01:06:43 Lindsey D: Stan, Do you literally have zero parents in Bolton who support the school committee? 01:06:52 June Mitchell: The letter from the teachers was great. Stan, how come you ignore pro-remote parents when they email you? 01:07:02 Terri: Exactly, June 01:07:49 June Mitchell: I'd love to sit down and talk to you about the other side, Stan. 01:08:49 N. Rogers: That letter was terrible on so many levels and completely unprofessional. 01:08:50 Lindsey D: You keep only talking for one side, Stan, so how can you be fully informed? 01:09:01 Patrick Mahoney: yeah, those teachers have no clue what’s going on in the schools 01:09:32 Patrick Mahoney: (sarcasm) 01:11:17 Tracy: Stan was talking about the tone of the letter. I really wonder if the teachers are aware of what parents are saying since it all goes to the SC. A few people are controlling the narrative. 01:11:57 Lindsey D: There are teachers on the high school facebook page so I think they are well aware 01:13:13 Tracy: Many parents are not on FB - that is not a good medium to learn what the community thinks 01:13:39 Theresa O'Riorden: This is not the right letter that was read at the school committee meeting on Nov. 4th. 01:14:10 N. Rogers: Also, keep in mind that parents are not allowed to participate in school committee meetings. 01:14:51 Pequita: Yes and in many other communities they do allow parents to participate 01:15:42 Pequita: The tone of this letter is that the SC don't like to be held accountable. They don't allow community participation in the SC and now don't turn up to tri-town. 01:16:30 Ed DeLuca: Please don’t confuse attendance with support. 01:16:58 Patrick Mahoney: I second that, Ed 01:17:03 Terri: yes me too 01:18:52 Lindsey D: Yes. 01:19:09 Ed DeLuca: Tri-town is an ad-hoc committee. If one of the key groups in the meeting is unhappy with the process, the format should be reviewed. Agree with the mutual respect comments. 01:19:11 Andy Roberts: This makes no sense to me -- Stan read a response to a letter without introducing what he was responding to and then Ellen read "the letter" which was not the letter that stan's response was for. And neither of those letter is the one that is referenced in the agenda. 01:20:14 Pequita: Ellen - stan did not write the letter he just read it out. And the reference to the "small minority" was simply repeating the term the teachers letter used repeatedly. 01:20:22 Lindsey D: Being heard is not the same as being agreed with, Stan. 01:20:28 Tracy: Stan didn't write the letter to the paper in response to the Teacher letter. The letter written by the teachers was very intimidating to parents who just care about their kids and have the right to speak up. And yes Andy that letter wasn't read but you can find it in the SC meeting packet from Nov 4th if you want to read it. 01:20:33 Terri: Agreed, Lindsey 01:20:36 Andy Roberts: sorry - read the article that was in response to the teachers letter. 01:20:42 Alison Mc: from Alison McIsaac Stow - Many parents listening now are very happy with the school district. 01:20:53 Pequita: And many are not. 01:20:55 June Mitchell: Stan, they are being heard. Just because they don't get their way it doesn't mean they are not heard. 01:21:10 Patrick Mahoney: I’m a parent. I’m being heard. I disagree with Brooke on almost everything. 01:21:43 Dave: If parents are not being “heard” their recourse is next spring to vote for or against the school committee members. The SC blessed the superintendent’s recommendation by an overwhelmingly margin. 01:21:54 June Mitchell: Stan is only hearing what he wants to hear. 01:22:05 Tracy: we cannot participate in SC meetings and no responses are given to emails (some are answered some are not) 01:23:32 Pequita: The "people in the chat" are not asking for everyone to go hybrid- we just want the option to be made available (which BTW DESE are also asking for). 01:24:17 Alison Mc: There is a clear plan in place for the next step. There is a remote task force working now. On 12/1 there will be a plan in place for hybrid and a related survey. What are you looking to address that is different? The parents have been heard. The school committee and administration is taking action on it. What additional are you going to achieve? - thank you Megan! 01:25:21 Lindsey D: What does special ed have to do with this? I am so confused. 01:25:50 Pequita: It took immense pressure from parents to even get the task force back running and given the messaging coming from the Superintendent there is no confidence the plan will actually move forward. 01:26:06 Lorraine: WHY has not one person in this meeting said a thing about the students at the high school who are struggling? It's NOT about what parents want...it's about kids and their parents who are terrified to speak up b/c they've seen what happens when parents do. That seems to be why parents reached out to their select board members. 01:26:26 Pequita: Megan you are lucky that your kids get to go to school - many of our kids have not been in school for 9 months. 01:26:30 Tracy: The point is communication is poor from the SC, that is the concern 01:26:32 Don: parents have been fighting their school district for years before covid. 01:26:50 Noella Ricci: Please care about the HS as much as the other schools in our district. The HS matters too! 01:27:21 Lindsey D: Megan is making the point that the conversation isn’t about the entire district, she is clarifying that it is the high school 01:27:22 Heidi Felt: Last Tri town meeting we were told a hybrid verses remote survey would be out in 2-3 weeks by the high school on October 14th and it is 5 weeks tomorrow and nothing has been sent out. 01:28:20 Kathy Konno: If people are unhappy with the SC then they should run and sit on the board. We all want our kids to be successful, healthy and happy. So instead of pointing out the failure, come up with realistic options, and suggest them. 01:28:39 Kate Howland: Megan, not all students in special ed who have IEPs are being offered in person support. 01:28:46 N. Rogers: I wish people would understand that a lot of the kids at the high school are struggling. It's not just about academics, I am very, very concerned about the kids emotional health. I'm happy that some kids are doing well, but please understand, that many are not. 01:28:47 Tracy: The problem is it will be too late for HS kids 01:30:09 Lindsey D: School cannot be the only avenue for mental and emotional health. Why can’t we come together to try to figure out some other solutions? Why is it only hybrid or nothing? 01:31:32 Pequita: Lindsey - why is DESE and almost all professionals recommending full return or at least Hybrid. Does our SC know something that no other professional organization does? 01:32:24 Lindsey D: I think they know the building and its limitations and why it is challenging. That doesn’t answer my question above. 01:32:46 Hollister: My daughter is a current Cadet and this program is the reason she stayed at Nashoba. it is an amazing program and I can not express how important it is to keep this program running. Please find a way to continue this program!!! 01:32:58 Lorraine: Please stop and listen to this discussion. It's important to all three towns - this program is critical to Nashoba. 01:33:54 Kristen Keane: Best program at Nashoba - exceeds everything else in our experience - sports, clubs, etc. Real life experience. 01:34:11 Ed DeLuca: Agree with Hollister, my daughter was in the program and it was really helpful 01:34:18 Pequita: Lindsey Brooke Clenchy is on record saying the school building is not an issue - last tri town meeting and at SC. 01:34:23 Lorraine: And, it's a program that is unique to Nashoba (Harvard was the only other district in MA who had it and I'm not sure if they're pausing for this year or not). It almost went away three years ago. It was the KIDS who turned the Board of Health around on it. With support from our State Rep. 01:34:33 N. Rogers: This program is the crowing jewel of Nashoba and it would be a huge loss to the community. 01:34:56 Hollister: iYes!!! amazing job keeping the program running during this pandemic. 01:36:00 Lorraine: N. Rogers...the previous cadet classes need to be made aware that this program is jeopardy b/c the district is ceasing the drivers. I'll let mine know but the kids need to get their own network going. 01:36:07 N. Rogers: Thank you Chief!!!! 01:36:44 Hollister: Please let the public know if there is anything we can do to help!!! 01:36:44 Kristen Keane: Kudos to Chief Legendre, the EMT program at the Safety building has been the one highlight this year for my cadet in a very disappointing year. 01:37:05 N. Rogers: Kristen....same!! 01:38:21 Omid Gh: can we use volunteer adults (parents) as drivers? 01:38:39 Dave: Why is the union leadership now uncomfortable? What have they said and what has changed? 01:38:39 Lorraine: You'd have to be at the school when the call comes in... 01:38:49 Lorraine: Good question 01:39:06 Kristen Keane: It is important for the Selectman to understand what the issue is and get it solved. 01:40:22 Lorraine: @Dave, all they've indicated is that the Union leadership (teachers) are saying no. I'm surprised at that b/c the school has always been so proud of this program. 01:41:19 Dave: Ok...but *why* is the leadership saying no - and why now rather than before? 01:41:47 N. Rogers: It's too bad that the administration isn't here to answer some of these questions. 01:42:03 Lorraine: We have heard that. However, three years ago the program had to be saved. At that point is was the Admin not the Union. 01:44:05 Lorraine: Can the selectboards come together to get answers to the questions as to why this is an issue now? What's the real issue? (to Dave's point) 01:45:23 Kristen Keane: Would be nice if a representative of School committee was present to answer these questions. 01:45:34 Dave: Could they use a bus driver? Piggy back off the contract with the bus company? 01:45:41 Kristen Keane: Namely the Superintendent. 01:45:43 Lorraine: There are two School Committee people on this call. 01:46:10 Pequita: Seems like another example of a lack of transparency from the Superintendent/ 01:48:25 N. Rogers: It's ridiculous that the concerns can't be articulated. How can you resolve a problem if you don't know what it is? 01:50:07 Craig Lauer: Does anyone happen to know when Brooke Clenchy's contract expires? Just curious, of course. 01:50:41 Lorraine: She just started her 2nd year of a 3 year contract. She's up June 30th 2022 01:51:04 Craig Lauer: And as great as it would be to have someone stationed at the HS full-time at sub pay, it would be absolutely mind-numbing for 90% of the time. 01:51:12 Theresa O'Riorden: Last year we literally needed to get an act of Congress to get this program continued after the program was going to expire. This program is so valuable. It needs to be continued. 01:54:16 June Mitchell: Megan your points are spot on. 01:54:54 Kristen Keane: Reiterating others the EMT program is a primary reason my child is at Nashoba. She would be devastated if this program went away, she found out about it in middle school and looked forward to it for many years 01:54:55 Tracy: There are some great hybrid models working at all the area schools 01:54:56 N. Rogers: I have 2 high schoolers and it is not working at all. Keep in mind that over 70% of parents voted for hybrid. 01:55:08 Pequita: Megan you need to understand that the hybrid model will be an option not compulsary 01:55:18 Hollister: My child in 8th grade is not learning at a slower pace. I believe she is close to where her sister was at this time last year in her classes. 01:55:53 Lindsey D: And why are we just hearing this, Stan? 01:55:54 June Mitchell: My hybrid 7th graders are not learning too much on at home days. 01:56:20 Kate Howland: no one is suggesting that a remote model should no longer be an option. 01:56:21 Theresa O'Riorden: This is why we’ve been asking the school committee for a poll, so we can see how many kids want to go back or stay remote. We’re still waiting for it. We’d all like to see the numbers so we can talk intelligently about this. 01:57:21 N. Rogers: Theresa, agreed, just ask the families what they want. 01:58:27 Hollister: sorry, can someone confirm what Stan just said - it was the teacher’s union that voted to stay fully remote at the high school? 01:58:42 June Mitchell: We don't want to disrupt our kids who are remote and have them lose their teachers and honors classes. Seeing your teacher one day a week is not enough. 01:58:42 Lindsey D: First I have heard about the union vote? 01:59:02 Rob Webster, Stow, resident: fyi, according to the CDC as of 11/07/20 no males under the age of 30 have died from COVID; no females under the age of 34 have died from COVID. 01:59:18 Lorraine: Yes it was the Union. 01:59:27 Rob Webster, Stow, resident: IN MASSACHUSETTS. apologies, hit return too soon. 01:59:38 N. Rogers: Jason, I agree, we just need data. 01:59:39 Rob Webster, Stow, resident: https://data.cdc.gov/NCHS/Provisional-COVID-19-Death-Counts-by-Sex-Age-and-S/9bhg-hcku/data 01:59:48 Lorraine: It was a Memorandum of Agreement that was written/agreed on September 3rd, 2020. 01:59:49 Heidi Felt: The high school kids are not different, each child deserves the choice of hybrid and remote learning. Emotional and educational support is not happening in all cases. If you do choose to be full remote and it works for you that's great, but it is not working for many. 01:59:54 Lindsey D: Great, Rob! Keeping the kids home is keeping them from getting it! 02:00:47 Lindsey D: So literally no parent knew about the union vote? How can it be fought then? 02:00:51 Pequita: Megan - if the SC and Admin are not responding to us and are not listening to DESE who do you suggest we contact if not selectmen ? 02:00:55 Lorraine: YES 02:00:58 Hollister: weird Lorraine because the decision was made in August right? 02:01:00 N. Rogers: yes 02:01:04 Lorraine: You can ask the District, Jason. 02:01:33 Lorraine: The MOA - it's a public document - we can have someone post in on the FB page if you guys don't have it (parents) 02:02:04 Jen M: Can you post it some place other than just the FB page? Some parents are in that FB group 02:02:39 Hollister: Please don’t forget the Cadet program needs to answer the question of what is going to happen with the driver by December 31!!! 02:02:41 Lorraine: many have left that page and many more will soon. is there somewhere you want it posted? or maybe the district will post it? 02:02:54 Lorraine: Yes on the EMT program. 02:02:57 Jen M: Can you post the link here? 02:03:29 Lorraine: I have the document...it's not posted...it was obtained through a Public Records request then shared with a few people 02:03:35 Lorraine: give me your email address 02:03:38 Lorraine: I'll send it 02:03:45 Lorraine: you can share with your network 02:04:06 June Mitchell: Lorraine, can you send it to me? 02:04:43 N. Rogers: yes, please don't forget the EMT program! Maybe the Selectboards can reach out to the administration and find out what the issues are. 02:05:04 Ellen Sturgis Stow Selectboard: I agree---and if you know alumni of the program.... 02:05:05 Kristen Keane: Please let the community and parents know how we can support/help with the continuation of the EMT Cadet program. 02:05:07 Ed DeLuca: goodnight everyone stay safe!