
Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 19, 2017



December 19th 2017 at 7:00pm

Houghton Building, 667 Main Street




7:00pm The Chair opened the Public meeting followed by a role call: Brian Berube, Jeff Bryan, David Calcagni and Rebecca Longvall (Conservation Agent).

Not present: Lori Stephenson & Emily Winner

Chair Brian opens the public hearing regarding the request for determination of applicability for the property located at 238 S. Bolton Road. The applicant is proposing to re-build a garage, remove an enclosed porch and add an addition on the side of their home. The entire property is within buffers relative to both 100ft buffer and 200ft. river front area. Present were Brandon Ducharme, Doug Storey and the home owners the Lauers. Chair Brian made a motion to make a negative 3 determination. There was no second therefore the motion failed. The commission conditioned that there will be details involved with the existing propane tank to be included on the plans prior to instruction. Brian made a motion to issue a negative 5 determination contingent upon inclusion of a plan for burying the existing propane tank during the garage replacement on updated plans prior to construction. Jeff second; 2 Yes and 1 No, by simple majority determination is granted.

Chair Brian opens the public hearing for the Notice of Intent for a proposed roadway and drainage associated with the Keyes Subdivision located at 258 Hudson Rd. Brandon Ducharme was present to represent the applicant. Brandon formally requests to continue the public hearing until January 16th at a time to be determined. Chair Brian makes a motion to continue a public hearing for 258 Hudson Road to January 16th at a time to be determined. David Seconded, all unanimously approve.

Chair Brian opens the public hearing for Lot 7 Houghton Farm for the request of a Certificate of Compliance. Brandon Ducharme was present. Brian makes a motion to issue a certificate of Compliance for the work completed in compliance with the OOC issued for Lot 7 Houghton Farm. Jeff seconded, all unanimously approve.

Chair Brian makes a motion to accept “Rules of Conduct on Town owned Conservation Land with Public Access” and “Commercial Dog Walker Conservation Land Rules and Regulations” and recommends the Board of Selectmen approve and impose said rules on Conservation Property owned by the Town. Jeff 2nd, all unanimously approve.

Chair Brian moves to approve minutes. David second, all unanimously approve.

The commission discusses the proposed bridge/duckboards on Vaughn Hills. The commission stated they are comfortable with either the proposed 30’ or 12’ option with potential inclusion of a water bar up slope from the existing crossing.

Alan DiPietro was present to inquire about stream classification on his property located at Teele Rd.

The Commission discussed scheduling a site visit for 258 Hudson Rd.

The Commission discussed the second site visit on 12/18/17. The Town is moving forward with the Donation acceptance and conveyance of the property.

The commission confirmed the next two meeting dates of Tuesday January 2nd and January 16th.

Teresa and Gentry from Ag Com to support agricultural projects.

Chair Brian moved to close the Dec 19th meeting. David seconded, all unanimously approve.