Styrofoam Recycling Event - June 11, 2022 from 10:00AM - 3:00PM

The Bolton DPW and Bolton Local will be co-sponsoring a free Styrofoam Recycling event at the Bolton Transfer Station on Saturday, June 11, 2022 from 10:00AM to 3:00PM


We will be accepting:

Clean, dry, white #6 pre-formed packaging and coolers. This type of Styrofoam "snaps" when folded and is often used for electronics, toys and small appliance packaging

CLEAN, dry, white food containers

#4 LDPE, "squishy" Styrofoam

Please keep these three (3) types of Styrofoam separate to help our workers at this event.

Unfortunately, we CANNOT accept packing peanuts or colored Styrofoam