Last call for donations of used sneakers!

If your household is doing a spring cleaning and you have a pair or a pile of used sneakers, this message is for you.

The Bolton Public Library is hosting NRSD student Connor Acierno's service project.  He's working with GotSneakers.  Here's how it works: Connor has placed donation bins around town.  You bring in your used sneakers in any condition.  Depending on condition, GotSneakers either recycles the components or finds deserving people to wear them.  The company pays Connor to collect sneakers, and he's pledged to donate those funds to the American Cancer Society.

The donation box is located just inside the library.  The building is open until 8 p.m. tonight, 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, 10-5 on Friday, and 10-2 on Saturday.  This is the last week for collecting, so if you have worn sneakers to donate please consider supporting this local student's project!