Filing with the Commission

Ferin in Fall

Filing with the Commission

Anyone considering work within 200 feet of a stream or 100 feet of a pond, marsh or swamp or other wetland should contact the Commission. Applicants wishing to appear before the Bolton Conservation Commission may obtain documents online at the MA Department of Environmental Protection website or from the links above.

Some common proceedings before the Conservation Commission are:

Request for Determination
This request leads to a determination of whether the Commission has jurisdiction and, if so, will the resource be affected.  As a result of this action, the Commission may find any of the following:

1.The Commission has jurisdiction and will require a Notice of Intent (see below.)
2.The Commission will not require a Notice of Intent, but will impose Conditions
3.The Commission does not have jurisdiction

Notice of Intent
This document requires a Public Hearing, with notification of all of the abutters to the property.  It usually requires the preparation of plans by a Registered Professional Engineer.  Once the Public Hearing is complete, the Commission will either:

1.Issue an Order of conditions for the proposed work, or
2.Deny the project for inability to adequately protect the resource
Commission decisions may be appealed to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection by the applicant, abutters or a group of citizens of the town.

An Order of Conditions is valid for a period of 3 years, and may be extended for up to 3 years.

Certificate of Compliance
A Certificate of Compliance is a legal document indicating that an Order of Conditions has been satisfied or that no work has occurred.  This Certificate may be required for a property to be transferred to a new owner.

Necessary FORMS for Wetland Permitting:

Note: for all regulatory filings, incoming mail will be processed as expediently as possible, however hand delivery is not currently an option at any of MassDEP’s offices.

In addition to the regulatory filing requirements, MassDEP recommends that Requests for Determination of Applicability (RDAs) and Notices of Intent (NOIs) be sent by email to MassDEP, in accordance with the additional guidance below. (For NOI filings made through eDEP, email should be sent in addition to the eDEP filing.)

For more information please click HERE

  • Request for Determination of Applicability (RDA)
  • Abbreviated Notive of Resource Area Delineation (ANRAD)
  • Notice of Intent (NOI)
  • Request for Certificate of Compliance (RCOC)