Board of Selectmen Minutes

Meeting date: 
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Board of Selectmen                                        Present:           Thomas J. Frain

May 25, 2017                                                                          Jonathan Keep

Town Hall                                                                               Stanley Wysocki

                                                                                                Don Lowe, Town Administrator

                                                                                                Linda L. Day, Town Secretary


Mr. Frain called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 


Lieutenant Hamburger met with the Board of Selectmen to discuss the colors for the new cruiser.  Lt. Hamburger provided the Board of Selectmen with handouts that included photos showing the history of the color scheme of Bolton’s police cruisers, colors of police cruisers in surrounding towns and various options Police Chief Nelson proposed based on Mr. Keep’s recommendations with Police Chief’s choice being a white background with a blue stripe and the town seal as shown in sketch #6.

Lt. Hamburger stated he didn’t have a particular preference of color but he felt continuity and uniformity brings a message of professionalism which is important and wondered if it is a true problem or a difference of opinion that can be worked through with some further explanation at no cost.   

Mr. Wysocki stated that this wasn’t his agenda item, hasn’t heard from anyone that has an issue with the color of the cruisers and he didn’t see any problem with the existing color scheme.

Mr. Keep was pleased with the Police Chief Nelson’s choice which gives a helpful friendly look instead of giving the appearance that Bolton has a big problem with crime.  Mr. Frain agreed with Mr. Keep’s points and was in favor of Police Chief Nelson’s choice stating that it’s less intimidating and more welcoming. 

Mr. Lowe confirmed that the cruiser would have no windshield tinting, 7% on the front windows and 20% on the back windows which is the standard when it comes off of the factory line.

Mr. Paul Antonangeli, Sugar Road stated that he never looked at a police cruiser as intimidating regardless of the color and there are far bigger issues to deal with instead of worrying about the color of a cruiser. 

Ms. Cindy Jacquith, Kettle Hole Road stated that she submitted a letter to the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator and the Police Chief regarding the color of the cruisers.  She stated that there is an issue around the friendly factor and the color is very important.  She stated that her daughter is quite intimidated by the dark cruisers and tinted windows and people of color have an issue with it. She highly recommends that the Town go to the white cars and sends a message about our town.

Mr. Wysocki stated that he has lived in Bolton for 28 years and Bolton has a very friendly and outgoing Police Department regardless of the color of the car.

Mr. Burt Shnitzler, Meadow Road expressed concern with going through this discussion every year if someone else writes a letter were to have a problem with the color of the cruiser.  He has lived in Bolton for 24 years and hasn’t had a problem with the police and/or offended by the color of the cruiser.

Ms. Grace Publicover, Sugar Road stated that she doesn’t feel intimidated by a black car and the color doesn’t reflect the Police Officer who work very hard in this town and do not get recognized.

The Board of Selectmen suggested that the on-line survey that Lt.  Hamburger presented as an option be considered for the purchase of the next cruiser to allow for the present cruiser to get ordered.

On a motion made by Keep and seconded by Frain, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize the purchase of option 6 as recommended by Police Chief Nelson.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki – yes)


Update on Minuteman:  According to Spaulding Ford, Chairman of the School Building Committee all is going as expected in Lincoln and Lexington as they go through the permitting process for the school building project.  Based on the Dover amendment (also known as MGL, Chapter 48, Section 3) and the advice of Lincoln’s Town Counsel, the Lincoln Planning Board voted to accept the total height of the building as currently designed.  Lexington previously approved the height.  The Lincoln Planning Board voted to close the public hearing and is scheduled to approve the project on May 23, 2017 for which Mr. Lowe has not received an update as yet.  The Lincoln Planning Board also approved a phased permitting process and anticipate getting the site ready by mid-June, foundation permitted by September followed by the full building permit.  Phase 2 of the construction is going as expected.   The project is expected to be completed by fall of 2019 at which time the demolition of the old building will begin.  The project is ahead of schedule.


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for School Resource Officer:  Town Counsel Robert Gibbons attended this meeting.  The Board of Selectmen deferred this discussion from their last meeting to allow Mr. Keep the opportunity to review the MOU and compare it with other towns.  The Board of Selectmen were reminded that the intent of the MOU is to memorialize reporting procedures and to identify responsible roles of those involved.  It is not intended to include issues regarding liability which should be handled in a separate document. The draft MOU has already been reviewed by Police Chief Nelson and Superintendent Clenchy. 

Mr. Keep reviewed MOU’s from Cambridge, Lincoln, Weston and spoke with the John Silva, the Director of for the Office of Safety and Security who gave him some useful information and feedback in relationship to School Resource Officers and how they deal with use of force incidents.

Mr. Keep recommended some revisions to the MOU as stated in the Cambridge MOU.  The revisions included adding the following paragraph as the third paragraph of Section 1. General Principles in the MOU between the Nashoba Regional School District and Bolton Police Department.

“We agree that children and youth are best served when schools, police, prosecutors, and other service agencies work collaboratively and proactively to address the safety, mental health and well-being children and youth.  The Nashoba Regional School District and the Bolton Police Department are committed to working together to assist children and youth enrolled in the Nashoba Regional School District Schools.”

Adding the following Section D. Necessary Follow-Up under Section V. Procedure Guidelines between the existing Section C and Section D with the existing Section D becoming Section E.

A teacher or other school employee with knowledge of facts pertinent to the reportable act shall:

 Prepare and submit a report on the incident to the appropriate Designated School Liaison; 2)  notify the Designated School Liaison of the existence of any physical evidence; and 3) take reasonable steps to maintain any pertinent physical evidence in a secure place.”   

Mr. Keep also asked that Section F. regarding Police Presence in School, Section G. regarding Interview Students, Section H. regarding Arrests of Students and Section I. regarding Emergency Mental Health Issues be added to the MOU as outlined in the Cambridge MOU. 

On a motion made by Frain and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to redline the items as outlined in the Cambridge document as outlined by Mr. Keep and send to the Nashoba Regional School District for review.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)

Agreement between the Town of Bolton and the Bolton Police Union, Local 286, Massachusetts Coalition of Police, IUPA, AFL-CIO:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the above-mentioned agreement.

Mr. Lowe stated that this agreement expires on June 30, 2017 and he will begin negotiations as soon as he is notified by the union.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)

PARC Grant Application for Camp Virginia:  Mr. Lowe stated that as part of the application submission requirement an individual needs to be authorized to execute the application.  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to designate Mr. Lowe to execute the grant application. (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)

Expanded Use of Commbuys:    Mr. Frain suggested this agenda item because he is in favor of the expanded use of Commbuys because it broadens the purchasing options to a much wider supplier base.  As a the Chief Procurement Officer, Mr. Lowe has discretion in some areas, but understands the direction of the Board and will use Commbuys for capital acquisitions for $25,000 or more.

Request for signs for the TYRODS Club:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to approve the request of Mr. Maurer to place temporary signs along Route 117 advertising the Tyrods Annual Old Timers Reunion to be held at the fairgrounds in Lancaster on September 10, 2017.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)

Eagle Scout:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute a letter to Matthew R. Frey congratulating him on his achievement of earning his Eagle. (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)  Mr. Frey was thanked for his effort in designing and building four concrete benches for the Florence Sawyer School Campus.    

Bills/Payroll Warrant:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute warrant #W17-24 and W17-24A.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)

Minutes:  On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted to execute the regular session minutes of September 8 and 22, and November 17, 2016 and executive session minutes of September 22, 2016.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki –yes)


On a motion made by Wysocki and seconded by Keep, the Board of Selectmen voted 3-0 by roll call (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki - yes) to enter into executive session at 8:00 p.m., pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, 21(a) 3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining for the Fire Union, as the Chair finds that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the Board’s bargaining position.

The Board announced it will not reconvene to open session.  (Frain – yes, Keep – yes, Wysocki – yes)

Respectfully submitted by Linda L. Day