Board of Selectmen Agenda

Thursday, March 9, 2006 - 7:00pm
1.      7:00 to 7:15 p.m.       Interim Police Chief Bill George Farewell
2.      7:15 to 7:45 p.m.       Police/Communications FY07 Budget Discussion with Chief Alfano          
3.      7:45 to 8:15 p.m.       Regional Dispatch Discussion with Natalie Lashmit, Town Administrator and Simon Bunyard, Chairman, Board of Selectmen, Boxborough       


4.      8:15 to 8:45 p.m.       Discussion with Ambulance Department regarding the future structure and procedures of the department    
5.      8:45 to 9:15 p.m.       Update from BatCo on equipment purchases and discussion of possible use of relocatable  
6.      9:15 to 9:30 p.m.       Drainage Issues 
7.      9:30 to 9:45 p.m.       Town Administrator Report
-       Review lease agreement between NRSD and town of Bolton
-       Town Meeting Warrant    
8.      9:45 to 10:00 p.m.      Board of Selectmen Business
-       Bills/Payroll Warrant
-       Appointment of Civil Defense Director (Don Baum)
-       Increase in ambulance billing rate
-       Discussion of library expansion comparison figures
-       Ltr from Interim Chief George re: Wattaquadock Hill/Lancaster Road – recommendation for 3 way stop
-       Caucus Notice (execute for posting by constable)