What can I do to prevent rabies?

  • Vaccinate your pets! Cats, dogs, and ferrets all need to be vaccinated by a veterinarian regularly. If you own livestock, you can make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date
  • Do not feed or handle wild animals. Teach children that although a baby skunk or raccoon may look cute and friendly, it can be very dangerous.
  • Do not feed or touch stray animals, and avoid all sick or strange-acting animals
  • Cover your garbage cans, and don’t leave pets’ food outside where it can attract wild animals
  • Do not keep wild animals as pets. Not only is this dangerous for you and the animal, it’s also against the law
  • Do not touch or pick up dead animals
  • Leave bats alone
  • Never handle a bat, especially with bare hands. Use thick gloves, tongs, or a shovel to remove a dead bat, or call in bat-removal expert. Don’t crush the bat with a tennis racquet or other object
  • Do not let your pet play with bats
  • Keep bats out of the house or other buildings by closing or covering the attic or other dark sheltered areas. Put screens on the windows