Real Estate and Assessors Calendar

Real estate is the physical land and improvements affixed to it. Massachusetts statutes require Assessors to assess all property at its full and fair cash value as of January 1st each year.
Full and fair cash value is also known as market value, or the price a willing buyer will pay a willing seller for property when both are considered knowledgeable about the market and under no outside influence to buy or sell.
Assessors do not create the market. Assessors analyze and review actual property transactions to determine assessed values. By law, the real estate market determines property assessments.
Property Assessments are listed each year on the tax bill. The Assessors strongly encourage every taxpayer review this assessment annually. This is the only period when an appeal can be filed.
Property Inspections -Assessors regularly inspect homes to update property records. Taxpayers should allow Assessors to inspect their property. If an Assessor visits at an inconvenient time, explain that it is a bad time and contact the Assessors Office at 978-779-5556 to arrange an appointment for an inspection. Failure to allow an inspection may bar appeals under Massachusetts statutes and force the Assessors to estimate the quality, condition, and contents of the property. It is policy to estimate homes where inspections are refused as the best property in the neighborhood.
Tax Bills are mailed as soon as possible after the Department of Revenue approves the tax rate for Bolton and due 30 days after the mailing. Do not send correspondence with your payment. Tax payments go directly Tax collector, not the Assessors. Send correspondence to Assessors, 663 Main Street, Bolton, MA 01740.
New Growth - Each year the Assessors determine the amount that each property has increased in value due to improvements such as new construction or additions. Any New Growth that exists as of June 30 will be included in the property value for the coming fiscal year.  
Calendar - The following dates are highlights of the Assessors Calendar:
  • Jan 1 - All real and personal property is valued each year based on this date
  • Mar 1 - ABC forms due for Exempt organizations
  • Mar 31 - Exemption applications due
  • May 1 (first Business day) - 2nd tax is due
  • Oct 1 - Application deadline for Clause 61