Advisory Committee Description (cont'd)

From January to April, the Advisory Committee meets weekly to conduct detailed reviews of all town budgets and capital expenditures in preparation for making recommendations to voters at the Annual Town meeting in May. This is time-consuming work, but essential if we are going to plan for the Town’s future and its financial requirements. We work closely with the Town Administrator  to keep abreast of current and future initiatives affecting Bolton. When applicable, the Advisory Committee conducts additional meetings for review of warrant articles presented at Special Town meetings.

Education is the single largest expense in our operating budget. The Bolton Advisory Committee has no authority to determine the Nashoba Regional School District (NRSD) budget or vote on its particular components. We can only deliver a recommendation on the Bolton assessment from the NRSD, which follows after their budget has been determined. Therefore, it is important that the Advisory Committee understand the Nashoba Regional School District (NRSD) budget and express - to the School Committee and School District administration - the needs and financial constraints facing our town. Extra effort in communication is necessary to balance the financial needs of the town with those of the school district. To fulfill this obligation, we attend School Committee meetings as appropriate and attend Tri-town meetings with the Selectmen and Advisory Committees of Bolton, Stow and Lancaster and members of the NRSD administration.

We work closely with the Select Board, Town Administrator, and other town officers to address the financial needs and improve the financial health of our town. Continual improvement of the processes that provide financial and budget information to the Town is also our goal. Due in large part to the efforts and exceptional assistance we receive from Town Accountant Ninotchka Rogers and Town Treasurer Kristen Noel, we make progress on these goals each year. Town Secretary Jenny Jacobsen provides outstanding support and guidance to the committee throughout the year.